Single Motherhood, Part 4

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


Now we’re into June of 2015. We just moved into our house. I’ve been lucky to have some really great friends through this time, so Karsyn and I were with them a lot. Some of those friends’ family had cabins about an hour away.

June 20, 2015 – Father’s day weekend. I went with my friends for a dinner to the cabin and a little birthday shin-dig for another friend. Karsyn was with his dad. I was to the point where I was over the heart break, so I just decided that I needed to focus on Karsyn and I and be the best version of me possible. Whatever happens, happens. Little did I know, my life would change starting with this night.

After the big family dinner, we moved from one cabin to the other. There, just us friends hung out drinking around the fire. There sat this kid I had never seen before. I was sippin’ a big ol’ mountain dew. Like 44 oz big. He never said a single word. I kept thinking in my head, “who is this weirdo? who brought him here? why is he not saying anything?” I only got one of those questions answered – Garrett invited him. They worked together. Garrett and his girlfriend were some of my friends that I’d been hanging out for the last little while.

Fast forward to July 4, 2015. All of us (minus the weird kid from the fire) were hanging out at a friend’s house. Two of the girls were saying “we need to hook Jourd up with Joe.” I knew they were talking about me, so I walked over and said “who the hell is Joe?” I didn’t want anyone setting me up with anyone. I hated that. “The kid that was at the cabin for Shelby’s birthday.” Ohhhhh… That kid. Hmmm…

New series starting next. This basically ends my single motherhood. While that was super fast and two years worth of heartache, happiness, tears and laughter shoved into just four short posts, it is time to start a new chapter. Karsyn grew up too fast. I figured things out. Things were falling into place.

This is Karsyn and I now. 🙂 He’s in first grade and this was us at “read with me” day.


Single Motherhood, Part 1

Lately, I have been talking about my journey as a single mother on my personal Instagram. Talking and writing is very therapuetic for me. As I mentioned in my last post, I have been doing a “daily walk talk” on my personal Instagram. For the last few days, I have went into some detail about those times.

In short, I will sum it up here for everyone to read.


Karsyn’s dad and I were together from middle school (8th grade) and all through high school and then a couple years after. Our relationship was always rocky. There was always something going on behind my back. There was always another girl. I was always the other girl, even when I was the “official” girl.

When the show Teen Mom came out, I knew that was going to be me. I was 16 at the time and I just knew I would be a teen mom.

Fast forward to my Senior year of high school, I got pregnant. I was on a medication that canceled out my birth control. I knew I was pregnant, even before I took a test. “Something is wrong with me, so either way, I need to see a doctor – pregnant or not,” I said to his dad as we walked out of Walmart, pregnancy test in hand. This was March 16, 2011. We went over to my mom’s, where I was living at the time, and I went in the bathroom and took the test. I waited the three minutes, like the test and when I was brave enough to look at what I already knew was true, I saw this faint pink line. I took a picture of it and sent it to a friend, who was also pregnant. “????” Her response, “yep, you’re pregnant.” Quickly, I slid the pregnancy test under the bath mat. Everyone was home and I’d been in the bathroom for quite some time. I walked out, saw his dad sitting in the chair. I shook my head “yes” to him and went in my room. He went downstairs and laid on the couch, crying. When I was done doing whatever it was I was doing – helping my mom with something, I went downstairs, as well. I knew it was a boy and his name was going to be Karsyn. His dad and I had been together for a long time, so we had already talked about names. I sat down on the couch and he put his hand on my belly and said “I love you, Karsyn.”

About a week later, I told my mom. My hair was in a pony tail and I walked down the stairs. “Mom,” I said, twirling my hair around my finger as I always do when I am not sure what to do with my hands. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” She asked. I just broke down and said yes. She held me and told me it was going to be okay.

I made my doctor’s appointment and figured I was about 6 weeks along. You don’t see the doc until 8 weeks, so I waited for those two weeks to “officially” confirm what my head already knew. My mom came with me. I peed in the cup and when they dipped the stick, my mom watched. She came in the room and said “sure enough!” Like she was in shock that it was true.

At the 10 week appointment, the doc could not find his heartbeat. That was a scary time because I already loved this baby. I didn’t want him to die. The doc scheduled an ultrasound, but it wasn’t until the next week. That was a long, stressful week. Fortunately, he was there, alive and well! From there, I was able to get some of the ultrasound pictures.

I told my dad and bonus mom about my pregnancy right before Easter. So a month after I knew. I put the ultrasound pictures in a big plastic egg and had them open it. I was incredibly scared to tell my dad. I just knew he was going to be so disappointed in me. Luckily, he was not. He didn’t say a whole lot, but he let me know that he was not mad or sad about it.

Later that day, I went to Walmart and ran into my bonus mom. She had a CART full of baby stuff! She was excited for me. That relieved some of the stress and it was so kind of her to go out and buy a bunch of stuff already. She said “we’ll since you’re here, let’s just load it into your car!” She had bought me diapers, wipes, onesies and a bunch of other gender neutral things. I will forever be grateful for that.

The next month was May. Time for graduation. This when things got really bad. I caught him in the middle of a biggggggg lie and I was so stressed and hurt by the whole thing. I thought I was going to lose the baby and stayed home from school for a couple days to try and calm down. Luckily, I had my best friend and mom by my side.

But guess what, we “worked” through it and moved in together after we graduated. In September, I quit my job to prepare to have Karsyn. I was able to still make some money from Jourdan’s Jewels and we did just fine. I had Karsyn in October and another huge fight in December. I went back and forth with my mom over whether I wanted to continue the relationship or not. It was hard. I was a new mom and he was all I knew. Needless to say, we “worked” through it, again. For the 947208720th time. (Hindsight is 20/20 and I should have left one of the first times we broke up, but I wouldn’t be where I am today or have my sweet son if that would have happened.)

We ended up moving to a bigger apartment the following year. We were there for almost a year and then in May 2013, I went to my cousin’s graduation in St. George. I just got a new car and had an appointment to get my windows tinted while I was down there. I was going to stay with his sister for the weekend. However, I was just so sick to my stomach about how unhappy I was. I ended up leaving and going home right after the graduation. I didn’t go to the dinner or get my windows tinted or to his sister’s. I just drove right home. When I got home, he was confused about why I was there. He was getting ready to go fishing and camping with my brother. He asked what I was doing and I just laid it out. I told him I was so unhappy and that I didn’t think I could do it anymore. I cried and cried because it was such a hard thing to do. I ended up going to my dad’s that night because I couldn’t stay “home.” He left with my brother and then the guilt set in. Like a crazy girl, I called him bawling and saying I was sorry and I didn’t mean it and to come back home. My dad was not outright trying to get me to not to this, but he just kept asking “are you sure? If you’re not happy, you shouldn’t stay.” He was being supportive of my decision. I ended up moving into my dad’s house and had some more crazy times. Haha. Not proud of those moments.

In June, I decided I needed a huge break. (I still wasn’t working at this point – just was selling clothes.) I called my grandparents in Oklahoma and asked if I could come out there for a while. They said yes and I flew out a week or two later. We stayed for two weeks and it was very much needed. But… during this time, Karsyn’s dad and I “worked” through it, once again. He got a new job in a new town, four hours away from our home. We agreed that once I got back, we’d go up and find a place to live and move and we’d have a fresh start.

On my way home, my mom called me and told me something my dad had found out about Karsyn’s dad. He was on a dating website. My dad was single at the time, so he was also on there and came across his profile. He called my mom and asked what they should do. They agreed to not tell me while I was on “vacation” because they didn’t want to ruin it for me. My mom told me on the way home so that I had an idea of what was going on and to make sure that he came clean about it. That night, I went to see Karsyn’s dad and he did tell me what happened, but “he wasn’t on there anymore.” So I said I’d forget about it and we could move and start over in a new place with new people. A clean slate.

To be continued….

Monster Party Favors

I had so much fun prepping for Karsyn’s 1st birthday last year! Can’t believe I am already working on stuff for his 2nd. Unfortunately, this one isn’t going to be as big, since we now live 4 hours away from any family ):

Anyway, today I am going to quickly show you how easy it was to “make” the faces on the bubbles and play dough that were inside of the treat bags!

1005490_10201656335708075_19735816_nFirst, I removed all of the labels. I didn’t really care too much about the sticky part; it was only a small line on each thing, but I knew the kids wouldn’t even notice! But, if you are worried about it, make your own Goo Gone to get it off!

Then I added one eye to each bottle.


Then I went crazy with the faces! I used my treat bag drawings for inspiration (;

1186161_10201656336548096_375161304_nFun, right?

1012491_10201656336108085_1485404366_nI got the packs of bubbles and play dough at the Dollar Tree. It was cheaper {yes, only by a few cents, but hey!} than Walmart.

We ended up having some party packs left over, so I gave them to trick-or-treaters! This would be a way cute {and healthier} option for those little kids.

What is your go-to party favor?



How to make a Pennant Banner

For Karsyn’s first birthday, I tried to make as many things as I could, to save money. I searched and searched Pinterest for a good tutorial on how to make a pennant banner and I couldn’t really find one, so I just had to wing it. I am not saying mine is the best, because I know it’s not, but hopefully it will help you!

how to make a pennant banner

And I will apologize, again, right now for having crappy pix! It was like 1 AM when I was making and taking.

Supplies needed:

-Paper trimmer/scissors
-Hole Punch

1233622_10201709547918347_290831773_nFirst, I chose some paper that matched the color scheme I was doing {which was blue, orange, and green}. I used 12×12 paper.

Next, I drew a line straight across the middle of the paper.

1174546_10201709545358283_129305276_nThen I drew diagonal lines from the middle to the outside of the paper, creating triangles. I believe they were about 3.5 inches?

532071_10201709546278306_2021835373_nI just did this over and over until my page was full of triangles. As you can see, I did it on both sides of the line.

998787_10201709547318332_704616316_nI also trimmed off where the lines overlapped on the bottom.

563046_10201709547078326_997961760_nThen I just used my trimmer to cut along the lines.

Next, I cut out the circles that had the letters on them. I just created these in Word.

536749_10201709545918297_294779358_nI can’t remember the exact font I used {so sorry!!}, but I was looking for something fun and this one was perfect.

560502_10201709547638340_1292690752_nThen I glued each circle on to each little triangle.

995197_10201709542958223_1617332088_nAfter I had them all glued on, I punched a hole in each of the top corners. Then I cut a small piece of string and tied the one to another until I had each word complete. I realize that probably doesn’t make a lot of sense and I don’t have a picture to show. For the “HAPPY” I punched a hole in the top right corner of the “H” and then a hole in the top right and left corner of the “A”. So the hole from the “H” and the left hole on the “A” were tied together. Does that make sense now?

how to make a pennant bannerIn this picture, you can kind of see what I mean. Hopefully that helps you! If you have questions, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them!!



“Your First Breath..” Picture Frame DIY

Your First Breath Frame

First of all, I will apologize for not having any pictures of how I made it and a crappy picture of the outcome. I made this before I started blogging, but I saw it the other day when I was unpacking and I thought I could tell y’all how I made it!

I saw some unfinished frames at Walmart and I knew I wanted to make something for Karsyn’s room. This picture is my absolute FAVORITE from Karsyn’s birth, so I wanted to incorporate that somehow.



This is the frame I bought Walmart. It was $4.97.

0002899512880_180X180The inside holds a 5×7 picture.

I went through my stack of scrapbook papers and supplies and found some matching items.

1 – Paint the very outer edges and also the inside edges, where the picture will go.

2 – Measure and trim your paper to fit.

3 – Ink the edges of your paper.

4 – Put some Mod Podge on the wood, where your paper will go.

5 – Add your paper. Press firmly. Use a credit card or something similar to make it smooth and remove any bubbles.

6 – Add your stickers and embellishments!

7 – Add your picture and you WA-LA. Easy peasy!

When I say under $5, I mean that I had all of my supplies on-hand and the only thing I had to buy was the frame. {The “BREATH” and “TOOK” letters are glittery. LOVE. They came in a pack of 56 or so for just .97 in the scrapbook aisle. The paper and other stickers came in one of those packs of paper that are bound together at the top and you just rip them out.}







Maternity Pictures

I was going through some pictures the other day and came across my maternity pictures, so I thought I would share a few of them here. I did not have them professionally done; I just had my brother take the pictures and I edited them. Here’s a few of my favorites…



This one is probably my most favorite. I blew this one up and it’s hanging in his room, under a big wooden sign that has the “You are my Sunshine” song on it.


Yes, I know my belly button looks sick. This is what it looks like when you have your button pierced and then get pregnant. Yum


Never mind the fact that the building behind us has the words “Barn Slob” graffiti-ed on there



The leaves were really this colorful and vibrant up there. So gorgeous! I love that time of year!


And this is my other most favorite!! LOOOVE it.



317563_2512597132148_209854250_nAnd yes, I realize that my neck looks broken, but there was a branch right there and I just couldn’t get comfy. Also, i was about 5 feet off the ground, so I really didn’t want to move and risk falling down on a 8.5 month pregnant belly.

I hope you enjoyed those! The little boy that came out of that belly is my greatest creation. I love him so much and I am so glad he is mine. I can’t wait to have another!!



The Baby and the Dad: Thoughts on Thursday

Well, it’s Thursday, and you know what that means – right? That means it’s time for THOUGHTS!

This week’s topic is “The baby and the dad.”


Oh, boy! The baby, aka Karsyn, and the dad, aka Kade. These two are my WORLD! I honestly don’t know how I would survive without them. I love waking up their sweet faces, I love being lazy with them, I love seeing them smile and laugh, I just love {almost} everything about them.


Without Kade, there would be no Karsyn and that is truly an unbelievable thought. I don’t even remember what it was like before we had Karsyn. Kade and I have had our FAIR SHARE of ups and downs. We were on and off throughout High School. Mostly on, but we did break up a few times. I am glad we were able to work it out and grow up and become a family. Kade and Karsyn mean more than words can say. I could go on and on about how they light up my world, but if you have a significant other and a little one{s}, you know what I mean. (:

So, what about your baby and the dad?



Mommy’s Going CRAZY!

Last week, Karsyn was H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E! Seriously the worst he has ever acted! It was for nearly three days straight!

What’s a mommy to do?!

He’s usually pretty good. He’ll do a few things here and there that he knows he shouldn’t, but everyone does, so that is not what I am talking about.

Let me just give you a quick run down of his bratiness…

*He figured out how to take his diaper off and kept doing it. Even after he had clothes on. He would take them off, too.

*Between Tuesday and Thursday, I got almost 20 packages from UPS for Jourdan’s Jewels. Most of the items were already sold, therefore, they needed to be packed up and shipped. I would go through each of the boxes and separate them in to piles for each person. Hurricane Karsyn would come through and ruin each of my piles. He had packing peanuts scattered from hell to breakfast. I printed out shipping labels.. twice, sometimes three times because he would either rip them or destroy them some other way.

*He went through each and every one of our DVDs and opened them all up and spread them all throughout my room.

*I {stupidly} gave him a sucker.. Which ended up in my hair – arms and head.

*Popcorn was spilled ALL over the living room.

And the list goes on. Now, this may seem like nothing to some of you and you might be shaking your head, thinking that I’m pathetic, but I promise. It was bad. I didn’t know what to do – I couldn’t get him to listen to me AT ALL. I was so stressed out from everything. Finally by the second day I sent him to my moms house so that I could get some stuff done and BOY! was it nice!

So, I need some mommy advice. What do you do when you child{ren} just will NOT listen?!



Karsyn’s Valentine Pictures

I got Karsyn’s pictures taken about a week ago because Lulu’s Photography was doing mini Valentine sessions.

This was the first professional shoot that he’s ever had done.

Here’s how they turned out!

This little turkey MELTS my heart!!538076_10200531639231366_972660865_n
He was holding Paige’s {the photographer} cat.6005_10200531637311318_84600863_n
Finally, a smile! {See the cat?!}426052_10200531635431271_1344736954_n
One of his most favorite stuffed animals, Patches.
This is how he looked most of the time.. Eating candy!539582_10200531652391695_1493458749_nThose eyes!!

Aw! How do you like them?!
P.S. His shirt says “My Heart Beats for Mom” (;



The Day my Child Became a Tootsie Roll

Last year, around Halloween time, my aunt gave me this Tootsie Roll costume. She told me that I could have it for Karsyn for next year. While it’s cute and all, I had already bought him a new one. So this costume has been sitting in the corner with a big huge stack of clothes that don’t fit anymore that need to go to DI. My friend has been obsessing over putting Karsyn in it. So one day. We did.

image_1359567627878553The cutest Tootsie I ever did see!!

image_1359567648061043Please tell me that my son is not the only one that dresses up in old Halloween costumes {even if I have to put him in them!}?!

