Eyeball Board + Monster Party Invites

One thing that I didn’t get a picture of at Karsyn’s Monster Party, was of this cute board. It was displayed on the same table as the cupcake cakes.

I got this board from Finger Snapper a LONG time ago. They are having the deal again right now, so click here to get it.

I didn’t take a picture of each step because I made it before I had a blog, but I’ll tell ya what I did.

First of all, I bought the paints at Wal-Mart for .97! SCORE! I love how inexpensive paint is. I knew his colors were going to be orange, blue, and green, so I painted each square a different color. Then the empty one black. I knew I was going to mod-podge a picture of him on it, once I got them done.

It looked cute with just plain paint, but I wanted something more, so I found one of my polka dot stencils and did a different color on each square. It was still cute, but kinda boring. I had a bag of googly eyes laying around, so I added one to each of the bigger circles. And wa-la!

Oh, I forgot to add that I painted around the outside AND inside edges black. And it’s okay if the black gets on your squares. (:

And I never did do a post on the invites that I made..

I had always planned to make them myself with paper and cut-outs and stamps and all of the above, but my creative juices were NOT flowing and I was getting really, super frustrated, so I just went into PicMonkey and made the invites.

Here’s a quick run-down of how I did them..

Click “Create a Collage”. Then click the middle button {on the left hand side} and it will give you a bunch of different layout options. I clicked the Pinter-etsy tab and chose the third one in. Then I saved it and went back to the main screen for just the basic editing. From there I added the words and shapes in each box. The colors I used were supposed to be a LOT brighter, but they never print out the way they look on screen. ):

They were still cute.

Then I stuffed them inside the envelopes, along with this picture…

He’s so cute!

Have you ever bought anything from Finger Snapper? Have you used PicMonkey to create anything before?


So, what do ya think?